ScriptableObject Changes in Awake() Not Displayed in Inspector Until After Unity Restart: The Ultimate Guide
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ScriptableObject Changes in Awake() Not Displayed in Inspector Until After Unity Restart: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your ScriptableObject changes made in Awake() are not displaying in the Inspector until after a Unity restart? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of ScriptableObjects, Awake(), and the Inspector to help you understand the underlying issues and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this frustrating problem.

What is a ScriptableObject?

A ScriptableObject is a type of asset in Unity that allows you to store and manage data that can be accessed and modified by scripts. They are essentially containers for data that can be used throughout your project. ScriptableObjects are often used to store game settings, level data, or any other type of data that needs to be accessed and modified by multiple scripts.

Why Use ScriptableObjects?

ScriptableObjects offer several benefits, including:

  • Easy data access and modification
  • Data persistence between script executions
  • Data can be stored and loaded from assets
  • Data can be shared between scripts and scenes

The Problem: Changes Not Displayed in Inspector

So, you’ve created a ScriptableObject and made some changes to it in the Awake() method of a script. However, when you go to the Inspector, the changes are not displayed. You’ve probably tried the following:

  • Refreshing the Inspector
  • Saving and reloading the scene
  • Restarting Unity

And, surprise! After restarting Unity, the changes magically appear in the Inspector. But why does this happen? And more importantly, how can you avoid this problem altogether?

Understanding the Awake() Method

The Awake() method is called when a script is initialized, which is usually when the scene is loaded or when the script is enabled. Awake() is a special method in Unity that is used to initialize objects, and it’s called before the Start() method.

The Inspector’s Refresh Issue

The Inspector has a refresh mechanism that updates the displayed values when the script is recompiled or when the Inspector is refreshed manually. However, this refresh mechanism is not triggered when changes are made to ScriptableObjects in the Awake() method.

This is because the Inspector only refreshes when the script is recompiled or when the Inspector is manually refreshed. Since the Awake() method is called before the script is recompiled, the changes made to the ScriptableObject are not reflected in the Inspector until the next time the script is recompiled or the Inspector is manually refreshed.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we understand the problem, let’s dive into the solutions!

Solution 1: Use the OnEnable() Method Instead

One way to avoid this problem is to use the OnEnable() method instead of Awake(). OnEnable() is called when the script is enabled, which is usually when the script is initialized or when the game object is activated.

using UnityEngine;

public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
    public ScriptableObject myScriptableObject;

    private void OnEnable()
        // Make changes to the ScriptableObject here
        myScriptableObject.myProperty = "New value";

By using OnEnable(), you ensure that the changes to the ScriptableObject are made after the script is initialized, which allows the Inspector to refresh correctly.

Solution 2: Use the UnityEditor.Editor Class

Another solution is to use the UnityEditor.Editor class to manually refresh the Inspector. This method requires a custom Editor script, but it provides more control over the Inspector refresh process.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyScriptEditor : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        // Make changes to the ScriptableObject here
        MyScript myScript = (MyScript)target;
        myScript.myScriptableObject.myProperty = "New value";

        // Manually refresh the Inspector

By using the UnityEditor.Editor class, you can manually refresh the Inspector by calling EditorUtility.SetDirty() and AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(). This ensures that the changes to the ScriptableObject are reflected in the Inspector immediately.

Solution 3: Use a Temporary ScriptableObject

A third solution is to use a temporary ScriptableObject to store the changes made in Awake(). This method requires some additional scripting, but it provides a more elegant solution to the problem.

using UnityEngine;

public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
    public ScriptableObject myScriptableObject;
    private ScriptableObject tempScriptableObject;

    private void Awake()
        // Create a temporary ScriptableObject
        tempScriptableObject = CreateInstance();

        // Make changes to the temporary ScriptableObject
        tempScriptableObject.myProperty = "New value";

    private void Start()
        // Apply the changes to the original ScriptableObject
        myScriptableObject.myProperty = tempScriptableObject.myProperty;

By using a temporary ScriptableObject, you can make changes to it in Awake() and then apply those changes to the original ScriptableObject in Start(). This ensures that the changes are reflected in the Inspector correctly.

Best Practices

To avoid this problem altogether, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid making changes to ScriptableObjects in Awake()
  • Use OnEnable() or Start() instead of Awake()
  • Use a custom Editor script to manually refresh the Inspector
  • Use a temporary ScriptableObject to store changes made in Awake()


In this article, we’ve explored the problem of ScriptableObject changes made in Awake() not displaying in the Inspector until after a Unity restart. We’ve also provided three solutions to the problem, including using OnEnable(), the UnityEditor.Editor class, and a temporary ScriptableObject. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can avoid this problem altogether and ensure that your ScriptableObject changes are reflected in the Inspector correctly.

Solution Description
Use OnEnable() Make changes to the ScriptableObject in OnEnable() instead of Awake()
Use UnityEditor.Editor class Manually refresh the Inspector using EditorUtility.SetDirty() and AssetDatabase.SaveAssets()
Use a temporary ScriptableObject Store changes made in Awake() in a temporary ScriptableObject and apply them to the original ScriptableObject in Start()

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering ScriptableObjects and avoiding those pesky Inspector refresh issues!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on ScriptableObject changes in Awake() and why they might be playing hard to get in the Inspector!

Why don’t I see the changes I made to ScriptableObject in Awake() in the Inspector immediately?

That’s because Unity doesn’t refresh the Inspector window until you select a different object or restart Unity. It’s like the Inspector is saying, “Hey, I’ve got this, I’ll get to it eventually!” So, be patient, or try selecting a different object and then come back to your ScriptableObject, and voilà! The changes will magically appear.

Is this a Unity bug or am I doing something wrong?

Nope, it’s not you, and it’s not exactly a bug either! This is just how Unity’s Inspector works. Awake() is part of the game object’s initialization, and since the Inspector is not part of the game loop, it doesn’t get updated in real-time. So, it’s more like a… let’s call it a “feature”?

Will using ForceSregunta() or EditorUtility.SetDirty() help?

Unfortunately, no. These functions won’t help in this specific case. They’re useful for other scenarios, like forcing the Inspector to update when you modify a ScriptableObject through code, but not during Awake(). You’ll still need to restart Unity or select a different object to see the changes.

Is this a common problem, or am I just really unlucky?

You’re not alone! Many Unity developers have faced this issue, and it’s a popular topic in online forums and communities. So, take a deep breath and know that you’re part of a club – the “I-wish-the-Inspector-would-update-faster” club!

What can I do to avoid this issue in the future?

One approach is to initialize your ScriptableObject in a separate method, like Start() or OnEnable(), instead of Awake(). This way, you’ll avoid the Inspector refresh issue. Another solution is to use a custom editor script to update the Inspector in real-time. Just remember, sometimes it’s all about finding the right workaround!